Residential Treatment For Teens
Tech Addiction Effects: How Screens are Shaping Teen Mental Health
Tech Addiction Effects: How Screens are Shaping Teen Mental Health In this episode, host Tiffany Herlin, LCSW, and therapist Greg Allred, ACMHC, examine teen mental health in the digital era. Drawing from Jonathan Haidt’s The Anxious Generation, they explore how the shift from outdoor play to screen time has contributed to rising anxiety and depression…
Read MoreSigns of Depression in Teens: 39 Symptoms Parents Should Know
Is your teen showing symptoms of depression? Use these 39 signs of depression in teens to know if it’s normal teenage moodiness or something more serious
Read MoreDyslexia in Teens: The Ultimate Guide for Parents to Set Your Kid for Success
Dyslexia in Teens: The Ultimate Guide for Parents to Set Your Kid for Success Imagine if you were given the choice of having an intellectual superpower, but to gain this power, you would need to give up other things. For people who have dyslexia, it is not a choice but a reality. If you have…
Read MoreTeenage Identity Crisis: Causes, Problems, and Common Behaviors
Teenage Identity Crisis: Causes, Problems, and Common Behaviors While there are a variety of ways that teens experience identity formation, some experiences can become very harmful to the individual. In the sections below, we discuss the causes, problems, and examples of a teenage identity crisis and how parents can help. Take our general assessment and…
Read MoreParenting Angry Teens: A Proven Guide
Parenting Angry Teens: A Proven Guide The teenage years are a challenging time for any parent. Teenagers can be notoriously moody, reckless, and unpredictable. However, for parents of teens with defiance anger issues, these years can be especially difficult. Many parents of young people that feel angry worry about their son or daughter’s whereabouts or…
Read MoreDefining Level 1 Autism: Distinguishing Why Different Levels of Care are Needed for Different Traits
Defining Level 1 Autism: Distinguishing Why Different Levels of Care are Needed for Different Traits Understanding and addressing the unique needs of individuals at different levels of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) can be complex. Level 1 autism, characterized by mild social challenges and communication difficulties, requires targeted treatment approaches for teenagers in this category. During…
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