
Short-term Residential Treatment Program for Teens

Immersed in Nature & Free From Distractions, Teens With Mental, Emotional, & Behavioral Struggles
Work With Seasoned Therapists to Heal & Gain The Skills Needed To Thrive With Their Families.

See If Short-term Residential Treatment is Right For Your Teen

Utah-based Residential Treatment for Teens Age 13-17

What is Short-term Residential Treatment?

At ThreePeaks Ascent, we conduct a thorough assessment and provide comprehensive therapeutic services to support each teen and their family. We closely monitor the teen's progress and response to our well-rounded interventions, including group, individual, and family therapy sessions. Our approach focuses not only on managing the current crisis but also on identifying ongoing support needs.

Short-term residential treatment is a relatively brief treatment program that lasts between 8-12 weeks. Short-term treatment focuses on setting and achieving attainable goals within its limited time frame. This focus helps teenagers disrupt negative patterns or harmful behaviors while learning more beneficial habits and coping skills.

Owing to our peaceful natural backdrop, removed from chaotic urban life, teens have ample time for profound reflection and thoughtful contemplation. During this time, teens at our short-term residential treatment center work on:

  • Confronting and reshaping current challenges, patterns, and behaviors that are in need of change.
  • Setting and pursuing clear objectives that can be realistically achieved within the span of a few weeks, fostering a sense of accomplishment and growth.
  • Nurturing and expanding their current strengths, skills, and resources, empowering them to navigate their personal growth and development.
Peak 1

Assessment & Stabilization

Effective short-term residential treatment focuses on assessment and stabilization.

Peak 2

Engage & Empower

Focuses on engaging teens in the therapeutic process and empowering them with the skills needed to thrive.

Peak 3

Competence, Mastery, & Leadership

Helping teens redirect their previously misused potential toward developing mastery in life.

Does My Teen Need a Residential Treatment Program?

Is my child just being a "teenager" or do they need professional help?

If you have recently noticed any sudden changes in their mood or behavior, or if you have any concerns, consult a therapist. Even if your teen’s struggles are common, a mental health professional can help you know how to help your child. They can also help you know if your teen could benefit from a short-term residential treatment program.

Some teen behaviors may be a sign that your teen has an underlying problem that needs immediate help. You shouldn’t wait for these problems to go away on their own because they will most likely get worse without professional help.

These warning signs indicate you should seek professional help for your struggling teen:

Exclusionary criteria for ThreePeaks Ascent include:

  • Teens younger than 13 and older than 17.5
  • Teens with a physical limitation, i.e. wheelchair, crutches, etc.
  • Teens with conditions that need intensive medical care or monitoring, i.e. eating disorders, diabetes, etc.
  • Teens with a history of violence or who have engaged in serious sexual assault
  • Teens with current psychosis or who have been diagnosed with schizophrenia

Mark of Quality Care

ThreePeaks Ascent is accredited by The Joint Commission which ensures programs adhere to the highest quality of clinical and medical practices.

ThreePeaks Ascent is fully accredited by The Join Commission

Why Choose ThreePeaks Ascent Residential Treatment Program?

The Ascent programs have almost 30-year experience in helping teens with emotional and mental health struggles. Our experienced professionals know what works and how to provide effective treatment in just a number of weeks.  Families choose our ThreePeaks Residential Program for their teens because it is both affordable AND effective.


Insurance plans frequently cover up to 60 days or more of residential treatment. Short-term residential treatment programs have an average length of stay of 80 days, whereas longer-term treatment programs typically require an 8-12 month commitment from families.

Because insurance frequently covers most of the stay of short-term residential treatment, more families can afford this premium level of care. These programs are frequently reimbursed by insurance on a case-by-case basis. Contact us for a free insurance verification to see if your insurance will cover mental health treatment for your teen.

Distraction-Free Environment

When teens find themselves struggling in various aspects of their lives—at home, school, and socially—nature therapy offers a transformative environment that disrupts unhealthy patterns and fosters healing. Short-term residential treatment is able to provide effective treatment in a short amount of time compared to other treatment programs. We’re able to help teens create meaningful transformations in their current life situations by teaching concrete & solution-focused therapeutic skills.

A teenager smiles at the camera while holding wild flowers while attending ThreePeaks Ascent, a short-term residential treatment program


At ThreePeaks Ascent, we believe that effective mental health treatment is based on these seven principles:

  • Treatment should foster healthy & appropriate relationships.
  • Treatment should be based in novel & challenging environments.
  • Treatment should involve the entire family.
  • Treatment should use an integrated care approach to assess and treat the adolescent as a whole and integrated person.
  • Treatment should teach skill mastery and competence through an experiential curriculum and primitive living.
  • Clinical interventions should be evidenced-based and employ progress monitoring.
  • Treatment should use ceremony & ritual to promote change and internalize grown.

Insurance Reimbursement for Short-term Residential Treatment

Short-term residential treatment is often covered by insurance providers. Have some questions about your insurance coverage for short-term residential treatment? We'll be glad to help you. We’ll work with your insurance company to help you understand the benefits available to you. To determine if your insurance plan will cover the treatment program, please fill out our insurance verification form or talk with our team

A Campus Immersed in Nature, Free From Distractions

Frequently Asked Questions

The best way to describe our students is they're good kids who are in crisis and making bad decisions. ThreePeaks Ascent is especially helpful to teens who may struggle with a variety of mental, emotional, and behavioral concerns, including: